Synthetic Floor 10-Year Warranty

DUOMIT warrants our Urethane Concrete (UC) Floor Systems will not have excessive surface wear and provide a waterproof barrier. Additionally, they will be free from delaminating for five (5) years from the installation date and provide a durable, slip-resistant seamless coating.

“10-Year Warranty on Commercial Synthetic Floor Coating”

The Best in the Industry (5+5 Years)

Moreover, DUOMIT does warrant an additional 5-year extended warranty (total of 10 years) after inspection, coating resurfacing, and re-coating (at the client’s expense, conditions apply). This Standard Limited Warranty 5+5 Years applies and is limited to all:

Standard 5 Years Warranty UC System
Standard 5 Years Warranty UC System
  1. To the property only if it remains in possession of the original owner named above.
  2. To the floor that has not been subject to accident, misuse, or abuse and has been maintained per our guidelines.
  3. To the floor that has not been modified, altered, defaced, or had repairs made or attempted by others.
  4. To the flooring that DUOMIT’s crews have installed.
  5. Hydrostatic pressure (caused by the presence of moisture underneath concrete slab) can cause blisters, bubbles, and other effects. Moisture vapor transmission reading must be no greater than 20 lbs./1,000 sq. ft./24 hours using the calcium chloride test per ASTM F-1869 or 99% relative humidity using in-situ Relative Humidity Testing per ASTM F-2170. Sub-surface contaminants (oil or other contaminants that can come up from within the concrete slab) can cause coating failure.
  6. DUOMIT® Floor Urethane System is not a permanent fix for deficient concrete (concrete that breaks apart and exhibits reduced integrity). As any flooring is only as sound as the substrate, it is applied over.
  7. The installed UC system is not exposed to temperatures more than 220°F.
  8. That DUOMIT® is immediately notified in writing within ten (10) days of first knowing the defect by the owner or his agent.
  9. In some conditions, the anti-slip will wear out over time and need to be re-applied. DUOMIT® accepts no responsibility as to the time or amount of wearing. The customer is responsible for maintaining the safe limits for slip resistance throughout the life of the floor coating application.
  10. If DUOMIT® UC Floor fails to perform to its published specifications, outside the limitations of this limited warranty, we shall provide a replacement product and re-install the failing flooring.
  11. Under no circumstances shall DUOMIT® be liable under this limited warranty or otherwise for damage to any person or property whatsoever for any special, indirect, secondary, or consequential damages of any nature; however, they arise from use or inability to use as a result of the installation or construction defect.


10 years Warranty Floor System
5+5 Year Warranty Floor System Advantages

Does your business require a concrete repair, wear, and sault resistant coating or waterproofing coating? Contact our professionals at DUOMIT. Fill in the form for a Free Estimate now and get your floor done tomorrow!

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